Our academy offers student training and supervision for their required laser hours prior to applying for their unrestricted laser licence. Your practical and theory laser hours will be supervised by one of our experienced laser technicians and signed off when competency has been achieved by the student.

A referral letter with your laser hours will then be sent to QLD Radiation health. Your practical hours will differ for each student depending  which treatment you applied for to QLD Radiation Health on your learner licence application.

Hours that are required for each treatment are.

  • Laser Tattoo Removal 100 hours
  • Laser Skin Rejuvenation & Pigmentation 50 hours
  • Laser Vascular 50 hours
  • Laser Hair Removal 25 hours

Laser Education – Dermal Solutions – Laser Tattoo Removal Courses & Education


Dermal Solutions Laser Tattoo Removal Courses and Training, readily educates with the NDYag Q-Switch Laser for Laser Tattoo Removal Procedures.

Our Laser Tattoo Removal Courses and Training provides pathways to Radiation Health Queensland modules and Licensing. We can provide supervision of logbook hours.

ND Yag Lasers   NDYag Q Switch Laser light accurately focused into small spots with very high energy. We only use ND Yag Q Switch Lasers for our training.

There are many lasers with much bigger spot sizes of course.  A singular beam is then mish-mashed and altered by spreading the beam into a larger area, higher power and heat intensity, therefore a possible danger of unwanted burns and pigmentation within the treatment area

Dermal Solutions Laser Tattoo Removal Courses educates potential students in important eye safety. Every individual medium has its own specific light wavelength.  Not all lasers are the same, and not all lasers do the same job.

 Laser Tattoo Removal Training Institution & Laser Licence Consultancy.

Dermal Solutions is an educational, supervisory clinic that organizes and directs you along the compliant pathways required.

Students have  waiting times, – (1) waiting to receive the TRAINEE LICENCE back from the RHQ.  You will then complete your  Hours on your OWN clientele, submit your logbook and this is followed by another waiting time to receive the FULL LICENCE.



  1. One on One with Team Supervisor and Fully Licenced Clinicians. – Zoom training for interstate trainees 
  2. You will be assigned a Lecturer to work with you One on One, with exam guidance and workshops about the subjects you are studying.


Please be advised that the Radiation Health Queensland description for applicants is that they are typically described as “in nursing profession, medical background, or Beauty Therapists.  Be aware that your application will be scrutinized by the Department and that the more medical background modules you have, that would accompany your application – the more solid it will be.

Training and consultancy for both “non-medical applicants” or “medical applicants”

(a) Compliant modules only.  Nationally Recognized Training through our team RTO for HLTIN402B and compliant coded Laser Safety Officer Certification.

(b) Gain a medical background Portfolio. All Trainee Licence consultancy and instruction completed to submission stage.  All logbooks and mandatory documentations as required to submission stage.

Practical training : Assisting with Removals with the clinicians, NDYag Q Switch Laser in the Dermal Solutions Clinic.
Your Application for the Trainee Licence: download and consultancy, assistive preparation of your submission for your Trainee Licence, Non-Legislated states students will be able to apply for Professional Indemnity with this package.

Who do I treat?  You will be treating your own clientele, friends, family, or colleagues during the 100 Hours.
We do not supply clientele so students will need to organize their own models.

Dermal Solutions Australia require every 100 Hours Trainee under supervision to treat the same tattoo at least 3-4 times, in order to gain an understanding of clinical endpoint and relativity to joule adjustment.

If, however, you have enough clients so that you can complete your 100 Hours in less time than this, and are prepared to submit your logbook with “one treatment per person”, this is up to you, and we will endeavour to fit in with schedules.  Please remember that Radiation Health Queensland will assess your “experience” and has the right to approve or disapprove your logbook hours.


  1. $80 per hour plus gst  Terms and Conditions:  50% Deposit on booking and 7 days after the initial payment the balance to be paid in full. Trainee is supply 100% of the clientele for the removals, size restrictions apply. The trainee cannot begin until all course fees are paid in full.

Trainee must be in possession of Laser Safety Eyewear OD7+, and Trainee must show proof of an ABN and Professional Indemnity Insurance. All tattoos may be no larger than the size of on average business card, all colours are acceptable.  Larger than one business card may require an additional visit by the client being treated.

Terms and Conditions: All Applicants must have completed a Laser Tattoo Removal Course
All Trainees must have a Trainee licence and be familiar with all terminologies pertaining to Laser Tattoo Removal and Lasers. No trainee may commence their 100 Hours, if a Tattoo Removal course has not been completed and evidence must be provided.

All applicants must present their Trainee Licence from the RHQ Department, and provide a photocopy which has been stamped by a JP. Your logbook hours include a full audit and record by Dermal Solutions of your clinical procedures including medical checklist, treatment and all procedures as required and listed as “duty of care” attached to cosmetic/medical procedures.


  • Estimate on returns within your business:  50 Cent Piece – $99 per visit (10 seconds to treat) Back to skin might be between 7-10 visits, no matter what you read on google.  Business card size, solid ink – $160.00 per visit (30 seconds to treat) Back to skin 7-10 visits,
  • Half sleeve shoulder to elbow heavy inking top and bottom, $699.00 – $899.00 (budget pricing) per visit – will require numbing agent, all up around 40 minutes for the whole visit.  Back to Skin around 12 – 15 visits, no matter what you read on google.


Additional fees are for QLD or WA Radiation Health Departments

PLEASE NOTE: Dermal Solutions is not responsible for final laser applications for licencing with relevant Radiation Departments – the student will need to do their own RH licence application. If the RH licencing department rejects any application, this is not the responsibility of Dermal Solutions Australia or their trainer in any way.

Fees for Professional Indemnity:  Professional indemnity insurance: Around $300 to $500 for your Professional Indemnity Insurance- (additional n payable separately to Insuring company)

Fees for Laser Safety Eyewear: (For uptake of 100 Hours) Radiological laws for eyewear Safety:  You will require OD7+ for training purposes, please communicate with RHQ for regulatory eyewear and optical density confirmations.

(All enrolments and placements require payment as per terms and conditions 14 days prior to admission and commencement.)